Mobile Suit at WAR!! v.1.0 by J. Thomas Exum
"Mobile Suit at WAR!!" (hereafter
referred to as MS@W) is a set of quick and easy miniature wargame rules for 2 or more players using Bandai's 'Mobile Suit
in Action!!' (MSiA) toys, released here in the US as simply 'Gundam Action Figures'. I have been a fan of Gundam for about
20 years, and a gaming enthusiast for over 15; these rules came about as a way to combine these two interests and also to
utilize (and justify) my ever-growing collection of MSiAs. I have tried to keep it as simple as possible while still maintaining
the feel of Gundam. This initial release covers only land-based combat using UC Mobile Suits during the 'One Year War' (my
personal favorite), but future supplements will feature 'Gundam Wing' (I'm working on it right now!), advanced rules and rules
for space (and possibly aquatic) combat. These rules could be easily modified to utilize the 1/144 scale models (or even the
1/100 scale if you're crazy enough); just increase the distances of everything a little bit. I prefer the MSiAs because they're
cheap (especially the US versions), nicely painted and come with a nice range of accessories... perfect for wargaming; besides,
do you really want to paint an entire squad of GMs yourself? Please feel free to e-mail me at with questions,
comments, criticism, suggestions, compliments or complaints. Please feel free to put a link to this page on your website,
just make sure you give me the proper credit!
Getting Started
Here's what you need to play:
1. At
least 2 MSiA figures (duh!) 2. A nice flat surface to play on (the kitchen table is fine for small battles, the living
room floor for full scale war!) 3. At least 3 six-sided dice; preferably 3 (or more) for each player 4. A ruler, yardstick
or tape-measure 5. Some scratch paper and a couple of pencils or pens
Got everything? Well now you're ready to
How to Play MS@W is broken down into game turns, and each turn consists of several phases. Gameplay continues
until either one side is completely destroyed or a specific objective is met. The game flows as follows: Sequence
of Play: 1. Each player rolls 1 die for initiative, highest roll wins. In case of a tie, reroll. 2. Winner of initiative
roll completes their action phase 3. Loser of initiative roll completes their action phase 4. Repeat Action
Phase: Each 'Action Phase' is broken down into 3 parts that may be completed in any order for each MS: a)
Move - each MS has a stat called 'move'. This indicates the maximum number of inches the MS can move in a turn. [optional
rule: players may want to create penalties for moving over rough terrain, such as move is 1/2] b) Switch weapons
/ equipment - simple enough; change the weapon or equipment an MS is using. If an item in your hand can not be stowed somewhere
on the MS when switched for another item, it must be dropped. Dropped items can also be picked up at this point in the action
phase if the MS is standing next to it. {example: a Gundam is holding a shield in its left hand and a bazooka in its
right. It stows its bazooka on its back and pulls out a beam saber from its backpack.} c) Combat - the part you've
all been waiting for! Combat is detailed below. Combat When an enemy is within the range of a weapon your
MS is using and that enemy is in your line of sight (meaning they're not hiding behind something), you may attack!! The range
of the weapon indicates the number of inches a target must be within to be hit by that weapon. For example, a range of 0~6
means the target must be within 0 to 6 inches of your MS to be hit by that weapon. Close range is when the feet of your MS
are within 2 inches of each other. To attack, roll 3 dice; if the number is HIGHER THAN the 'Attack' score of your
MS, you miss. If the number is LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO the 'Attack' score of your MS, you hit! The enemy may then defend by
rolling 3 dice; if the number is LESS THAN the 'Defend' score of their MS, they successfully dodge or block the attack. If
the number is EQUAL TO their 'Defend' score, they take 1/2 'Damage' (rounded up) from the weapon. If the enemy rolls HIGHER
THAN their 'Defend' score, they take the full 'Damage' from the weapon. When all damage is figured out, your enemy may now
counterattack; simply repeat the above. Every weapon has a 'Damage' score to roll; for example a Zaku II's heat
hawk causes 1d6 damage, which means you roll 1 die. A beam saber causes 1d6+3, which means you roll 1 die and add 3 to the
total. This total is subtracted from the Mobile Suit's 'HP' score. If the MS being attacked is using a shield,
the damage is split (higher half if odd number going to the shield) between the 'body' of the shield and the 'HP' of the MS.
You must specify you are using you shield BEFORE you roll to Defend. {example: a Zaku II pulls his heat hawk from
his waist and moves into close combat range with a GM using a beam saber and a shield. The Zaku swings his heat hawk at the
GM (Zaku II has an 'Attack' score of 11, he rolls a 10; the GM, using her shield, has a 'Defend' score of 10, she rolls an
11.) The GM is Hit!! (The heat hawk does 1d6 damage, he rolls a 3! Since she's using her shield, the GM takes 1 damage and
her shield takes 2 damage) The GM counterattacks with her beam saber (GM's 'Attack' score is 12, she rolls a 16) but does
not connect! End of combat round} [optional rule - an MS may use the 'combat' portion of their Action phase to
aim at a specific target, giving them a bonus of +1 to their attack score for the next round. Aiming must be done after movement
and switching weapons / equipment is completed. The aiming bonus is NOT cumulative (meaning you can't aim for 3 rounds and
get a +3 to attack)] [optional rule - one hit kill: if any player rolls a 3 for their attack roll, their target
is automatically destroyed! Works best with the 'system error' rule below.] [optional rule - system error: if a
player rolls an 18 for their attack roll, their MS has a system error and cannot act for 1d6 rounds]
Mobile Suits Basically, each player assembles a squad of Mobile Suits by 'purchasing' each individual MS and its
weapons; the squads should be made with roughly the same cost (if I use 1300 points to make my squad, you get to use that
many). Players can decide on a predetermined number of points to each spend or just build their squad and adjust from there.
{example: a Zaku II costs 100 points, the machine gun is 25 points and the heat hawk is 25 points; if that's all I want
to equip it with, my total cost will be 150.} One Year war (0079) Federation: __________________________________________________________________
RGM-79 GM cost: 125 Attack: 12 Defend: 10 Move: 10 HP: 20 Built-In Weapons/Equipment:
60mm vulcan guns (in head) range: 0~6 damage: 1d6+2 ammo: 20 beam saber (in back-pack)
range: close damage: 1d6+3 Optional Weapons/Equipment: beam spray gun cost: 30
range: 2~15 damage: 2d6+2 ammo: 20 90mm machine pistol cost: 25 range: 0~10
damage: 2d6 ammo: 20 shield cost: 40 body: 10 notes: can be attached to back __________________________________________________________________
RX-75 Guntank cost: 90 Attack: 10 Defend: 8 Move: 7 HP: 21 Built-In Weapons/Equipment:
120mm recoilless cannon x 2 (on shoulders; fire simultaneously) range: 8~35 damage: 3d6 ammo: 30
40mm rocket launcher x 2 (mounted on arms) range: 5~20 damage: 2d6 ammo: 4 each
Optional Weapons/Equipment: none __________________________________________________________________ RX-77-2
Guncannon cost: 100 Attack: 11 Defend: 9 Move: 8 HP: 20 Built-In Weapons/Equipment:
60mm vulcan guns (in head) range: 0~5 damage: 1d6+2 ammo: 20 240mm cannon x 2 (on shoulders;
fire simultaneously) range: 3~15 damage: 2d6+3 ammo: 20 *alternately, the Guncannon may choose
to equip: spray missile launcher x 2 (on shoulders; fire simultaneously) range: 5~20 damage: 3d6
ammo: 12 Optional Weapons/Equipment: beam rifle cost: 35 range: 3~16 damage: 2d6+3
ammo:20 __________________________________________________________________ RX-78-2 Gundam cost: 250
Attack: 14 Defend: 11 Move: 17 HP: 30 Built-In Weapons/Equipment: 60mm vulcan guns (in head)
range: 0~5 damage: 1d6+2 ammo: 20 beam saber x 2 (in back-pack) range: close
damage: 1d6+3 Optional Weapons/Equipment: beam rifle cost: 35 range: 3~16 damage: 2d6+3
ammo:20 beam javelin cost: 25 range: 0~4 damage: 1d6+1 380mm hyper bazooka
cost: 75 range: 10~40 damage: 3d6+2 ammo: 6 notes: can be attached to back shield
cost: 40 body: 10 notes: can be attached to back __________________________________________________________________
Zeon: __________________________________________________________________ MS-06 Zaku II cost: 100
Attack: 11 Defend: 9 Move: 9 HP: 19 Built-In Weapons/Equipment: shoulder shield (on right
shoulder) body: 7 shoulder spikes (on left shoulder) range: close damage: 1d6 Optional
Weapons/Equipment: 120mm machine gun cost: 25 range: 0~10 damage: 2d6 ammo: 20 (100 rounds
in bursts of 5) 280mm bazooka cost: 60 range: 8~35 damage: 3d6 ammo: 5
heat hawk cost: 25 range: close damage: 1d6 notes: can be attached to waist missile
pods x 2 (on legs) cost: 75 range: 5~20 damage: 3d6 ammo: 6 __________________________________________________________________
MS-06S Zaku II Command Type cost: 125 Attack: 12 Defend: 10 Move: 10 HP: 21 Built-In
Weapons/Equipment: shoulder shield (on right shoulder) body: 7 shoulder spikes (on left shoulder)
range: close damage: 1d6 Optional Weapons/Equipment: 120mm machine gun cost: 25
range: 0~10 damage: 2d6 ammo: 20 (100 rounds in bursts of 5) 280mm bazooka cost: 60
range: 8~35 damage: 3d6 ammo: 5 heat hawk cost: 25 range: close damage:
1d6 notes: can be attached to waist 175mm Magella attack cannon cost: 100 range: 5~30
damage: 4d6 ammo: 6 notes: must be fired with both hands; requires one round to recharge after each shot __________________________________________________________________
MS-07B Gouf cost: 150 Attack: 13 Defend: 10 Move: 10 HP: 20 Built-In Weapons/Equipment:
5 x 75mm machine gun (left hand) range: 0~10 damage: 2d6+3 ammo: 20 heat rod (in right
arm) range: 3~7 damage: 1d6+2 Optional Weapons/Equipment: heat saber cost: 25
range: close damage: 1d6+2 shield cost: 35 body: 40 (can also use the machine
guns and bazookas designed for the Zaku II) __________________________________________________________________ MS-09
Dom cost: 175 Attack: 13 Defend: 11 Move: 9 (24 hover) HP: 25 Built-In Weapons/Equipment:
heat saber (on back) range: close damage: 1d6+2 scattering beam gun (mounted in torso)
range: 2~15 damage: 2d6+2 ammo: 20 Optional Weapons/Equipment: 360mm giant bazooka
cost: 90 range: 10~40 damage: 3d6+2 ammo: 10 __________________________________________________________________
MSM-07 Z'Gok cost: 190 Attack: 13 Defend: 10 Move: 7 HP: 28 Built-In Weapons/Equipment:
mega particle cannon (in hands) range: 2~15 damage: 3d6 ammo: 15 claw hands
range: close damage: 1d6+1 240mm rocket launcher x 6 (on head) range: 5~20 damage: 2d6
ammo: 5 rounds each Optional Weapons/Equipment: none __________________________________________________________________
MSM-07S Z'Gok Command cost: 200 Attack: 14 Defend: 10 Move: 8 HP: 30 Built-In
Weapons/Equipment: mega particle cannon (in hands) range: 2~15 damage: 3d6 ammo: 15
claw hands range: close damage: 1d6+1 240mm rocket launcher x 6 (on head) range: 5~20
damage: 2d6 ammo: 5 rounds each Optional Weapons/Equipment: none _________________________________________________________________
\________________________________________________________________/ /________________________________________________________________\
War in The Pocket (0080) Federation: __________________________________________________________________
RX-78NT1 Gundam 'Alex' cost: 325 Attack: 14 Defend: 11 Move: 19 HP: 30 / 45 (with Chobham
armor) Built-In Weapons/Equipment: 60mm vulcan guns (in head) range: 0~5 damage: 1d6+2
ammo: 20 beam saber x 2 (in back-pack) range: close damage: 1d6+3 90mm gatling gun x
2 (in forearms) range: 0~10 damage: 2d6 ammo: 15 each note: cannot be used if Chobham armor is
on Optional Weapons/Equipment: beam rifle cost: 35 range: 3~16 damage: 2d6+3 ammo:20
Chobham armor cost: 100 body: n/a (increases HP to 45) shield cost: 50 body:
12 _________________________________________________________________ \________________________________________________________________/
Resources: * 'Dino Wars' by Tom Moldvay (from Dragon Magazine, Feb 91) - This little army men vs dinosaurs wargame
was a big inspiration for MS@W... my brother and I used to play it all the time in our garage and it was a blast! *
The Gundam Project ( - This website is my primary resource for all things Gundam. Simply amazing.
* The Mecha Domain ( - Another great technical resource, recommended to me by
Redcomet on the Gundam Project message boards. Thanks!